
How he proposed

<--- This wasn't it. 

May 29th, 2013. Shannon's 27th birthday, and Scott decided she just had to open her birthday presents before he would take her out to dinner. 

The first couple of presents were books, which is why it was so odd that Scott felt like present opening needed to be filmed. 

The next present was a big blue box .. with another blue box inside ... and another smaller blue box ... when Shannon got down to the final box, Scott got down on his knee, said some nice things that neither of them remember, and then asked the question. Once Shannon could breathe again, she said yes. 

Scott & Shannon

Hello! I'm squat... I mean Scott. And I am, well, Groomed.

I've been in Phoenix for about 4 years longer than Shannon, which is convenient because I'm also 4 years older than Shannon so that means we both arrived in AZ at the same time in our lives. 

I love eating things that were cooked from scratch, hiking grand canyons, living indoors, and watching wildlife in its native habitat.


Hi! I'm Shannon, and I'm marrying that guy -->

I've been in Phoenix for about 3 years, and think I'll stick around for awhile, although I miss the ocean and adore California. 

 I love cooking from scratch, hiking tall mountains, being outdoors, and watching documentaries about food. 

How they met

A girl from Southern California, a boy from 'Upstate' New York, they fell in love with the Arizona desert, and with each other. ​All because they were picky. 

See, Shannon moved to Arizona and needed a place to stay, so she moved in with Adina. Adina knew this nice, goofy guy, who was very picky when it came to girls, and she thought this might be a good match. 

A happy hour was picked, a meeting was planned, and over margaritas and beers on the patio of Aunt Chilada's, Scott got up the courage to ask for Shannon's number, and he called the next day to ask her out on a date.